Recent content by scrllock

  1. scrllock

    Any NAS gurus here (Network Attached Storage)

    if designed properly they probably run a reverse proxy that's not actually exposing a port directly. my synology is like that, there's a url which proxies back into the NAS in a safe-ish way.
  2. scrllock

    Any NAS gurus here (Network Attached Storage)

    no router stuff needed. set up your backup solution of choice on the windows machines, point them at the NAS. if the NAS supports external drives, plug it in and set up a recurring backup on the NAS. if you can't do that, do it from one of the windows machines. no reasonable network should...
  3. scrllock

    CSB3: Woodski Is A Debbie Downer And Doesn't Like Fun

    avoid getting into a new car payment with this one weird trick
  4. scrllock

    CSB3: Woodski Is A Debbie Downer And Doesn't Like Fun

    sometimes (usually) the cheapest way to do something is not the best