Search results

  1. DanielStevenMKVI

    Redesigning the Beetle?

    Forgive me if this is old hat to you guys, but: Recently went for a(nother) test drive in the GTI. I think I'm at like...5 or 6 now for the MkVI alone. I can't help myself, every now and then I just have to suckle on that People's Car teet to keep myself going. ANYway, moving on from the...
  2. DanielStevenMKVI

    Tire Care

    I know this has already been talked about plenty of times, so before you start flaming me to use the search bar: I want to know what tire products you guys like the most. I don't want something super slick, but just something that protects well and at least for a decent amount of time keeps it...
  3. DanielStevenMKVI


    Alright sorry, Had to do it. But really, anyone in the Jax, Duval, Clay area in Northeast Florida? It's a big place, gotta be some Dubbers out here.
  4. DanielStevenMKVI

    Scion iQ

    Guys....What....the this thing. Seriously? Seriously?:lol: