The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion


The Fixer
That was a joke.

Otherwise it's about how influential the words of some rando lunatic on the golfmk.X forums are (sorry Rickety ;))

Even if he's on other platforms that's irrelevant because he's only unique here. Out on the Twitter or the Facebook he's just a salty tear in the ocean.
I've been called a lot of things, salty tear in the ocean is a new one!


Autocross Champion
What the fuck don't you understand and wearing a mask may not save you and your gloves don't stop a respiratory virus.

The good news for you is, variants coming out of India are more contagious than the UK variant. Oh wait, that's bad.

You keep liking and defending Ricky's misinformation. He's literally trying to kill you and you're cheering him on.


The Fixer


Autocross Champion


The Fixer
The science doesn't say you can't catch a variant, you know that, but keep spreading misinformation intentionally.
Actually, science says if you beat the original then you are immune to the 'variants.' That's why they are injecting healthy people with COVID to find new 'vaccines.'


Autocross Champion
What the fuck don't you understand and wearing a mask may not save you and your gloves don't stop a respiratory virus.

The good news for you is, variants coming out of India are more contagious than the UK variant. Oh wait, that's bad.

You keep liking and defending Ricky's misinformation. He's literally trying to kill you and you're cheering him on.
Ok no problem.


Autocross Champion
Actually, science says if you beat the original then you are immune to the 'variants.' That's why they are injecting healthy people with COVID to find new 'vaccines.'

No it doesn't.


The Fixer
In December/January, India believed that they had beaten COVID - herd immunity and all that...
Funny how everywhere they vaccinate, the cases and 'variants' suddenly increase... 🤔
500% increase in cases according to one study.


The Fixer
That's fucking stupid. This thread has no outside influence. There's probably thousands of sites with false information. Believe what you want to. I don't take anything in this thread seriously. Apparently you do. Sad.
I agree this thread has little influence, though I wonder how we got 3 million views. Google bots?
I don't take the thread TOO seriously, but I do the assault on our freedoms in the name of #SCAMdemic.


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
I agree this thread has little influence, though I wonder how we got 3 million views. Google bots?
I don't take the thread TOO seriously, but I do the assault on our freedoms in the name of #SCAMdemic.
And keep up the good work. Oh and please don't kill me. 😂