Recent content by BOz

  1. BOz

    Cuban Gynecologist: Local Car Commercial

    Pretty damn funny.
  2. BOz

    Chrysler + Fiat = ????

    Sooo.. Obama made the announcement just now. What do you guys think about the merger? I think Obama really did the right thing here. This is not a political thread so lets keep it on topic of Chrysler + Fiat. Chrysler warranty back by the US govt!!... I wonder how they feel about mods?? :iono...
  3. BOz

    Any Surfers??

    I was wondering if there are any surfers on the forums. I know alot of you guys are from socal and other places with sick breaks. I'm here in S.florida. Waves pretty much suck most of the time here in miami, but occationally I'll cruise north where the bahamas arent blocking all the action. I...
  4. BOz

    Canon S5IS??

    I'm about to take the plunge into my first digital camera and was looking for something good all around for pic of the car, vacations, events, w/e. I don't know much about cameras and photography but wanted to buy a good camera to learn on. I don't need DSLR or anything. The canon S5IS has been...
  5. BOz

    Car's on the road... south florida

    I figured i'd make a thread showing everyone all the really sick cars i see on a regular basis... something about southbeach and surounding area... I constantly end up with a semi from a sick lambo or amg benz etc etc. in front of me.. im sharing the love.. if i'm in the wrong section sorry. i...