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  1. M

    One month of ownership and a short road trip: My impressions.

    I picked up my ’12 Autobahn DSG on 12/30/11. This is my first new car since my MKIV ’02 GTI. For the first three weeks I only drove it back and forth to work (and I was only working a three day work week) and only logged about 350 miles. Drove it primarily in granny “D” mode, but tried out...
  2. M

    My son just totaled my MKIV.

    I just picked my '12 MKVI Autobhan on 12/30/11. My son had already given me about 2K as a downpayment on the '02 MKIV, but we hadn't gotten around to transferring title and having him get his own insurance yet. Anyhow, he drove from Dayton to Cleveland yesterday to visit his mom, sisters, and...
  3. M

    Model Railroading (LGB)

    I haven't done any model railroading in a long time, but about 10 years ago my mother was wanting to clean out her attic, and among the things stored there were several boxes of Lionel train cars/track/etc. They belonged to my older brother as they were purchased for him in the late 1950's...
  4. M

    what do you pay for insurance

    Somewhat agree, but it does give people some idea of the broad range of payments they might have. My policy includes towing, key replacement, accident/ticket forgiveness for the first incident, etc., so the extras do make a difference.
  5. M

    what do you pay for insurance

    21 years old; two at fault accidents; and a wreckless op ticket. Nah, 3 grand is what you should be paying, IMHO.
  6. M

    what do you pay for insurance

    I'm currently paying $900/yr on my MKIV for full coverage. I'm told my MKVI Autobahn (arriving next week!) will add about $25/month, increasing it to about $1200 year. However, I'm 59 years old, got my last ticket in 1970, and have never had an at-fault accident.
  7. M

    moving in with the g.f.

    Sounds like you'll be all right. I moved in with my gf when I was 26 and she was 24. We got married about nine months later. Nineteen years and three kids later - we got divorced. You just never know what life's gonna bring ya. Just do your best and have fun!
  8. M

    8th gen civic with AIR

    Not for me. Sorry.
  9. M

    1st Ticket

    Sorry to hear about your ticket. At least you're not whining about it being unfair. :) I've been very lucky. I usually drive 8-10 mph over the posted speed limit in town and about the same on the Interstate. Never had a speeding ticket. In fact, the one and only ticket I got was in 1970 (42...
  10. M

    Announcing the launch of!

    Yeah, sometimes it's tough to write a sentence like that. :) I just though the second "what" was redundant, and could have read (or what they don't KNOW they want...) I like the site so far and was just trying to help it look a bit better. Keep up the good work!
  11. M

    Announcing the launch of!

    Someone needs to rewrite the Up! article. It's got some poor sentence structure and misspellings. A little editing would improve readability.
  12. M

    Explain your User Name.

    I'm 6 ft. tall and weigh 138 lbs. My skinny butt slides around in the GTI seats. :)
  13. M

    So a cop flipped me off today

    I agree that the far right lane can, at times, be a little extreme. I depends on the flow of traffic at that time of day and how well you know the road you are on. On my commute to/from work I stay in the far right lane except to pass, but if I know a busy highway entrance ramp is about to...
  14. M

    So a cop flipped me off today

    Cops are not required to comply with speed limits, etc. so long as they do not endanger the public in doing so. You have no idea what kind of a call they were on and whether it was an emergency or not. Cops are not required to have their lights and siren on when responding to a call, even if...
  15. M

    So a cop flipped me off today

    If you were in the left lane and there was no other traffic ("the entire highway was open") then why didn't you simply move over one lane and let the cop through. Flashing his lights was an obvious attempt to get you to move right. It is highway convention for faster traffic to pass on the...
  16. M

    Whats your occupation?

    Mechanical Engineer by education. Safety Engineer for the Air Force Research Laboratory for the last 25+ years.