Bill Cosby's fallout


Go Kart Champion
Am I the only one here who has seriously lost a lot of respect for him since the rape allegations came to light?

It's truly a shock to see someone I once held as a man of high esteem and dedicated to the cause of education and the battle to combat social ills within his own community, be such a vile and disgusting man.


Go Kart Champion
Apparently its been an open secret for years. No one really cared until that recent stand up routine went viral.

I havent liked him for years for being "holier than thou". He's reaping the whirlwind


Go Kart Champion
What did bill Cosby do in case of fallout?

Reinsert and take shorter strokes.

Joke only works during the Cold War doe.


Go Kart Champion
If it was one woman, I would have been skeptical but when more and more women are coming out with these allegations, it's hard to take Cosby's word these days.


Go Kart Champion
I SO don't want to believe these women. I've loved BC since I was a kid, a l o n g time ago, and he was always such a straight up guy, but I'm having a hard time continuing to believe in him.


Go Kart Champion
I respected him a lot for valuing education and combating the social ills that plague the black community, so these revelations come as a big shock for me.


Go Kart Champion
I enjoyed his stand up, even.

His skit about novocaine and the dentist. Hilarious.

His stand up was great. That's what I grew up with. Long before Cosby Show and Jello Pudding Pops and I Spy I listened to his stand up and watched the Cosby Kids on Saturday morning TV.


Go Kart Champion
I respected him a lot for valuing education and combating the social ills that plague the black community, so these revelations come as a big shock for me.

Yep. Yep.


Go Kart Champion
Wow, this is some crazy stuff.


Ready to race!
I was raped by Bill 40 years ago guys !!!