The COVID19 SCAMdemic... California Nears $8 Gallon Gas - Biden Sends Zelenskyyy $61 Billion


Autocross Champion
Definitely needs to be lowered but the OZ’s look nice. I have 17” OZ’s on my MK6. It’s a nice “sporty” wheel IMO.

View attachment 205268

Miracle Whip has no place on this earth!! Not on a sandwich, on a tire or for Jim’s lube.
It works well as hair gel and all the old ladies love the smell.


Autocross Champion

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
What the hells wrong with calling wheels rims? Isn't that what they are?
Car savvy English Nazis started calling out use of rims.
"Rin" comes from some South American countries. I'm Puerto Rican, and we say "aros" for wheels. Mexicans use the same word, as far as I'm aware. We call tires "gomas", but Mexicans and much of Central America call them "llantas". However, some South American countries use "llantas" for wheels! I've heard Spaniards and some South Americans call tires "neumáticos", but that's a super formal word. Many South American countries also say "ruedas" for tires. Dunno what the Cubans say -- paging Dr. @Keehs360

Spanish is a mess.


Autocross Champion
600 + 1400 =

Do I need to make it multiple choice?
Zrick would have a much easier time with that than “true or false”.


The Fixer


The Fixer
This isn’t zricks thread anymore. It’s ours. We are repossessing it till he pays what he owes.
It is OUR thread. I've officially made OT great again, you're welcome.
I can pay you in memes, they are worth $30,000 each.


The Fixer


Autocross Champion
Unless you live in a place that gets a fair amount of rain. 🤷‍♂️

I'd still rather use summer tires
Good summer tires handle rain just fine too. All seasons have their place though. Where I live, it rarely snows and for about 1/3 the year it does wacky things like drop below freezing overnight, but get into the 40's or 50's during the day. Summer tires are like roller skate wheels at 25 degrees and winter tires feel sloppy at 50. So I use all seasons as my "winter tires", then go dedicated summer tires from April to November.