bogging inbetween shifts


Go Kart Champion
I think it's something to do with the MAF when the throttle plate closes, and tries to open real quick.. I think it makes the air turbulent, and causes it to go into some "safe" mode for a few seconds. I bet it would never happen with something like an n2mb wotbox since the throttle plate wouldn't close when you shift


Go Kart Champion
I think it's something to do with the MAF when the throttle plate closes, and tries to open real quick.. I think it makes the air turbulent, and causes it to go into some "safe" mode for a few seconds. I bet it would never happen with something like an n2mb wotbox since the throttle plate wouldn't close when you shift

The power doesn't come back until you let up a little on the gas pedal. I held the pedal one time when it happened and it never got power back till I let up.


Go Kart Champion
It did on mine, I kept it on the floor, and it slowly gained rpm's until it finally opened the throttle plate fully again. That little dip in the pink line wasn't me, I had it to the floor that whole time


Go Kart Champion
It did on mine, I kept it on the floor, and it slowly gained rpm's until it finally opened the throttle plate fully again. That little dip in the pink line wasn't me, I had it to the floor that whole time

How long did it take before you regained power? I held it for like 20 or 30 secs before I gave up


Go Kart Champion
maybe 15-20 seconds? something like that


Go Kart Champion
Any mods know when/if he's coming back? A lot of people on this thread are using apr software... he'd be all over this.